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Thursday, August 5, 2021

gktoday current affairs book

 gktoday current affairs book 

gktoday current affairs book  It is a belated reaction to the convulsive and blood-spattered disintegration of the federation. But it is also a rejection of Vojvodinas exploitation by the other provinces. Like Scotland and Flanders northern Italy and Quebec and the Shiite and Kurd regions of Iraq Vojvodina would like to retain a larger share of its resources for local consumption and investment. In a Europe of regions and a world of disintegrating nation-states this was to be expected. In August 2002 the Committee for International Cooperation and Relations with Euroregions of the Vojvodina parliament voted to join the Assembly of European Regions (AER). Vojvodina still faces the outcomes of a decade of Western economic sanctions and NATO military action. Sanctions-busting smuggling operations during Milosevics rule criminalized some parts of the economy. Novi Sads water natural gas the railway to Budapest river cargo transport and telecommunications infrastructure were rendered idle by the decimation of its bridges. The reconstruction of the first largest bridge Sloboda (or Liberty) was completed in 2004 and cost 34 million euro in EU funds according to Balkan Times. Two temporary crossovers cater to the needs of Novi Sads population - but they are poor substitutes. Rail links to the rest of Europe for instance have yet to be restored. The expensive and intricate clearing of the Danube of unexploded ordnance has been completed only recently. Vojvodina strives to become a regional commercial hub. HINA the Croat news agency reports that the Serb province and the neighboring Vukovar-Srijem county in Croatia have agreed to rebuild bridges in both the literal and the figurative senses. Vojvodina vowed to help Vukovar secure the return of art expropriated by the Serbs during the internecine war demine its environs and find the whereabouts of missing Croat soldiers and civilians. Vojvodinas parties are members of the ruling Western-orientated formerly Djindjic-led coalition in Belgrade. The Vojvodina Reformists who backed Kostunica in the recent bout of elections once have teamed with a DOS breakaway faction to form a new left of center political force. Vojvodina plays a crucial role in Serb politics. Even the leader of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians Jozsef Kasza admitted to the Yugoslav daily Dnevnik that the status of the Hungarian minority is improving step by step though Hungarians are still not adequately represented in the judiciary prosecutions in leading positions in the economy. He elaborated During the Milosevic era they wouldnt let us have our schools media they banned the official use of the language. The situation has now improved the Law on national communities has been passed which needs to continue its implementation more and more. In an inversion of the traditional roles the Beta news agency reported that Vojvodinas then secretary for culture and education Zoltan Bunjik announced a series of assistance programs targeted at the Serb minority in Hungary including a Serb history and culture curriculum. gktoday current affairs book

 gktoday current affairs book 

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