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competition wizard magazine

Thursday, June 24, 2021

pratiyogita kiran august 2020

 pratiyogita kiran august 2020 

pratiyogita kiran august 2020  Published this article  The policy identified 7 priority areas for improving the environment for health (a) Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (b) Balanced healthy diets and regular exercises (c) Addressing tobacco alcohol and substance abuse (d) Yatri Suraksha-preventing deaths due to rail and road accidents (e) Nirbhaya Nari-action against gender violence (f) Reduced stress and improved safety at work place and (g) reducing indoor and outdoor air pollution. Shifts in Public Health care Delivery There are 7 shifts in organising public healthcare services

1. Primary care-open selective care to assured comprehensive care with linkages to referral hospitals

2. Secondary and tertiary care-from an input oriented to an output-based strategic purchasing 3. Public hospitals- from user fees and cost recovery to assured free drugs diagnostic and emergency services to all

 4. Infrastructure and human resource development-from normative approach to targeted approach to reach under-serviced areas 5. Urban health- from token interventions to on-scale assured interventions to organise primary health care delivery and referral support for urban poor. 6. National Health Programmes- integration with health systems for programme effectiveness and contributing to strengthening of health systems for efficiency and 7. AYUSH services-from stand alone to three dimensional mainstreaming. There is a gender disparity and male bias in health care globally nationally and locally in following ways

 1. In 2016 23.8 lakh patients visited AIIMS New Delhi for treatment but of them only 37% were women though it is confirmed that women report more illnesses than men but they are treated less. 2. Male bias is further exacerbated by poverty location and other social factors. 3. In the developed countries too women suffer from heart diseases as much as men but get recognised and treated far less than men. 4. Though womens bodies respond differently to drugs due to smaller organs higher fat & hormones but the medical tests / researches on male bodies are taken as reference point. pratiyogita kiran august 2020

pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

 pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine  Published this article  According to World Health Organization (2015) under-nutrition or malnutrition is the major cause of death in 45 per cent of all deaths among children below 5 years during 1990- 2015 the proportion of underweight children in developing countries declined from 28 per cent to 16 per cent in 2015. The MDG target for this indicator was met in North and South Americas European region and Western Pacific region but not in Eastern Mediterranean region SouthEast Asian region and African region. In India about 47 per cent children are underweight. Similarly during 1990- 2013 the number of stunted children declined globally from 257 million to 161 million a decrease of 37 per cent. We could not however achieve this target. In 2018 as per FAO report about 82.2 crore people suffered from chronic mal-nutrition and 200 crore people had food insecurity in the world. Severe acute malnutrition increases with chronic poverty lack of education of mothers inadequate and low nutrient diet and lack of clean water and sanitation. Hence India ranked 102 among 117 countries in Global Hunger Index 2019 and then India scored 30.3 and was in serious hunger category-only 4 countries were in alarming hunger category (35-49.9) then and only one country Central African Republic was in extremely alarming category (score of 50 or more). In Global Hunger Index 2020 India ranked 94 out of 107 countries with a score of 27.2 (in serious hunger category- score range of 30- 34.9) as per this report 14% of Indian population is under nourished. Second 17.3% of children under 5 are wasted in India. Third 34.7% of Indian children are stunted. However during 2000-2020 GHI score has declined from 38.9 to 27.2 for India-a decrease of 11.7 percentage points. Unfortunately by 2015 most of the developing countries including India could not achieve rest of the MDGs. Hence United Nations declared 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with 169 targets-it is also called Transforming Our World 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Sustainable development has been defined by Brundtland Commission in its report entitled Our Common Future (1987) to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Six years have passed since the beginning of SDGs in 2015 but most of the countries are not on the track and by 2030 only a few countries would be able to achieve SDG targets. pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine

pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine